Monday, January 26, 2009

Ever the Impossible

I've used everything I know and have
To try to decipher
The roughly unsanded edges of Us
And what I have come to is this:

To love you is impossible

So for now, forever,
You will remain
Ever the impossible.

Author's Notes: Yeah I know it is short. I have been saving this one for a while, because I was thinking that I was going to go back, add some stanzas, etc. But now I read it and feel there is nothing more that can really be done. It feels complete to me. What do you think?

Let Me Count The Ways

How do I love thee?
I have realized, I don't know how.

I should think that I love you,
Like the love shared
Between water and electricity.

Tell myself to adore you,
And I do as does
Joy to pain.

I try to need you
I need you,
As fire needs water.

And the inevitable.
I dream of you,
As the scared child dreams of dark shadows.

How on Earth could I ever live
Knowing that you would not be there
For me,

To help push me back down
After a painful and endless
Struggle to the top?

For a smack in the face
And a cruel laugh
To lift my spirits?

How do you suppose that I should ever go on
If I couldn't see the indifference and shamelessness
In your dancing, shining eyes?

So how do I love thee?
The answer is this:
I never, never could.

Author's Notes:
Ever have one idea, then it spurs off, and you start writing, but then it starts taking a whole different direction and you end up getting rid of what you had in the first place and it truns out that what you now have is better than what you were orignally thinking? Yeah, that's kinda what happened here. ^-^ Spur of the moment thing.

Friday, January 23, 2009

17.39% Literary Genius, 100% Random Insanity

Okay, so pretty much it's NOT literary genius.

Wilkommen, Bienvenue, Hytegdhwyet, Welcome. To the third branch of the wildly popular web sensation that's sweeping the universe, the almighty chronicles of Random Insanity. Where licking door handles isn't strictly prohibitted.

So, I've gotten some inspiration from my wonderful blog peeps (not to be confused with tasty marshmallow easter candy in the shape of chicks) and have now decided that I will do a blog commited solely to my writing. Now, of course I can't be as good as some people, whose writing is pretty much bloody brilliant, and whose names might so happen to start with "R" "B" and "J" and may or may not end in "ose Dawson", "loodrush" and "acque"...respectively...but I would really like some feedback on some of my stuff. :)

But be forewarned, this may get a bit personal. So if you are the type of person who is going to bring anything touchy up outside of this blog cocoon, like, IDK, at school, in the bathroom, up in a tree, please do not read any further. In other words, if you're gonna be a turd about it, get the hell out. ^-^

In conclusion...

No, wait. Before you read these posts that come right from my heart (really, there's like, a straw in my soul, and every time I write something, a little bit comes out the's quite ineresting really, maybe I'll put it on Youtube sometime...) please solemnly SWEAR on your mom's right hand pointer fingernail twice removed that you will be honest. DO NOT worry about my feelings whatsoever. Say what you think, and don't sugar coat it.

But don't like, feel the need to cuss me out just cos one of my poems sucks or something.

IN CONCLLUSION, for real this time, I thank you for reading my blog. *starts sobbing* It wouldn't have been possible if not for the inspiration and motivation of my loving and caring blog community...and my grandma, HI GRANDMA! And the mail guy/girl, and the librarian at my elementary school, and the cosmetology club at Michigan State, and Ms. Henderson *gets cut off by theme music* and Tom from Myspace, and the guy who invented disposable underwear...